Monday, February 22, 2010

NCTE's Definition of 21st Century Literacy, from about two years ago. What struck me as interesting: One bullet point says that today's writers "Manage, analyze and synthesize multiple streams of simultaneous information." This, after multiple studies have documented just how bad multitaskers are at multitasking, that when you multitask, you do multiple chores badly, whereas focusing on one task at a time results in greater productivity. This, when we see what happens when today's news and print consumers are barraged with voices and stories fighting for their attention, so that even less sinks in than previously.

Multitasking is killing literacy. The secret is out. Shame on you, NCTE.

Your position should be, "21st century writers need to be able to select and filter multiple streams of communication, so as to absorb more and worthwhile information." But then, you didn't put me on this committee.

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