Saturday, November 24, 2001

I have maybe five or six solid sources to look at in the library today. Trouble is, it closes in about three hours. Damned people with their damned families and damned holiday cheer. Makes me want to spew.

Saw The Conversation last night--thought it was excellent. Why can't they make movies like that any more? It's not like Francis Ford Coppola has sold out that much--after all, he did re-release Apocalypse Now, thus capitalizing on earlier days of genius, and he did make that piece of dog doo Jack. And he did produce that other piece of dog doo, Jeepers Creepers. And he is highly vicious, emotional and unstable. Other than that, though, his career has been strong as a rusted nail.

I never saw The Rainmaker, but I did read a bunch of Grisham's novels after 1992 or so and thought they all sucked, so I doubt this one would be any different. Coppola has something coming out called Megapolis, and I'm trying to be optimistic about it, given some of the kickass artwork floating around:

This artwork is supposedly conceptual work for the film, due out in 2003. Greg has some good stats on it.

I did hear, though, that the Japanimation film Metropolis does not have anything to do with Fritz Lang's 1929 film. Damnation.

I haven't even touched Kenneth Burke yet. That's probably good. Kim would be mad. (Bad joke #23 of the day) Haven't touched student papers yet, but for whatever reason, I'm fairly easy of mind about that. The Mad Monk is making headway, but he doesn't seem as thrilled about it as I would be. Maybe that's why he's mad (though he describes himself as an "arrogant bastard").

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