Wednesday, May 05, 2010

It used to be, Bill O'Reilly was who I went to when I needed something to vent my spleen upon. Now Hannity fits the bill.

Sean Hannity complained about Bill Maher tarring all Republicans as racists by having two commentators on (both black, I think; one from the left, one from the right) and talking over the guy on the left. Standard Operating Procedure, from what I can tell. Only thing is, he quotes and cites evidence against himself, and nobody calls him on it.
SEAN HANNITY, HOST: HBO talk show host Bill Maher was typically classy on his appearance on ABC over the weekend. Here's what he had to say about members of the Republican Party.


BILL MAHER, HBO TALK SHOW HOST: I would never say, and I have never said, because it's not true, that Republicans, all Republicans are racist. That would be silly and wrong. But nowadays, if you are racist, you're probably a Republican.


HANNITY: And joining me now with reaction, James Peterson, assistant professor of English and Africano [SIC] studies at Bucknell University. And Congressional candidate from California and the 37th District is — Star Parker is with us.

What — he is saying, basically trying to advance the narrative that, if you're conservative, if you're a Republican, you are racist, right?
Parker, even if he wanted to bash Maher, could have still responded, "Well, Sean, actually you're misquoting him, based on the video clip you just fucking played." Nope. Par for course:
STAR PARKER, CALIFORNIA CONGRESSIONAL CANDIDATE: Right. To intimidate. Again, they throw out racism every opportunity they get.
Eh. Maybe, in addition to being a Republican, he's also dyslexic. (Whoops, did I just call all Republicans dyslexic? I'm sure it'll come out that way.)

There's plenty to throw at Maher, to be sure. But why is it that Fox's favorite target for "liberal bias" or "liberal venom" is always cable talk show comedians and satirists like Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert? Who's this "they" Star is referring to, late night cable?

I'm still trying to figure out the headline of this story: "Bill Maher Plays Race Card." What race card? I thought that was when you used your race to get a special privilege or something, like, "Hey, you're just denying me a mortgage because I'm black," or something. Maher is making an accusation; isn't that "wielding the race club?" "Beating it with the race stick?" Man, I hate bad metaphors.

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