Tuesday, December 10, 2002

As per wiggolation:

Sundays have ceased to exist for me. Literally. It's always been that way, even at points during my childhood. As Calvin of Calvin and Hobbes said, "Any day you have to take a bath and go to bed early isn't a day off in my book." Translate that to my life and it reads: "Any day you've got to grade papers, prep for tomorrow, fret, worry and obsess over lesson plans isn't even half a day off in my book since, when you wake up at eight, or ten, or twelve, or whatever, you're already worried about falling behind."

And I wish I were smart enough to leave it all alone Friday nights and Saturdays. I really do. But no one ever said I was bright...just cute.

Does it isolate you? You betcha:
Friend: Hey man, how you doing?
Me: I'm working. Some of us have to work over break, you know.
Friend: Yeah, uh...anyway, a bunch of us are getting together tonight. You coming?
Me: I would, but then I'd have four hours less of my weekend. And I need those hours to fret and stare at the wall, worrying about lesson plans.
Friend: Come on, man. It's Saturday night.
Me: Ha. For you it's Saturday night, maybe. For me, and all other dedicated teachers out there, it's recharge time. I'm going to watch Lean on Me and take notes, so that I can finally get my students eating out of my hand the way they already would be, if I were worth a damn at my job.
Friend: Have you ever thought about getting psychiatric help?
Me: Have you ever thought about going into teaching? It's the noblest profession there is.
Friend: Not from where I'm sitting.
An exaggeration, to be sure. But only slightly.


Top Five Places I'll be Come Christmas Break

5. Not near school.
4. Not under the bed.
3. Not by school.
2. Not in the school library, desperately searching for films detailing the use of a restrictive clause in an expository essay.
1. Not in school.
Like others out there, I've got to get back in the habit of my old writing style. Hard to do when you're worrying about someone looking over your shoulder. Maybe I need a cool nickname, like Stick Boy, or Gargantuan.

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