Friday, December 07, 2001

For the annals of history in rhetoric:

The Rhetorical Appeals of Phone Sex

Woman: Um, this really isn't going too well. I don't feel comfortable.
Man: Yes you do. You're loving every minute of this. First of all, I've still got you on the line, right? If it were that bad, you would have hung up by now. Right?
Woman: (hesitantly) Yes...
Man: So I must be doing something right.
Woman: That's true.

Woman: I want you to make me scream. I want you to make me yell and lose control.
Man: All right. I slept with your sister.
Woman: What?
Man: I also used to be a woman myself. See these razor burns and stretch marks?
Woman: (screams incoherently)
Man: Mission accomplished.

Man: I'm the best.
Woman: No you're not. I've had better.
Man: My experience is extensive. I first had phone sex on a Fisher Price phone when I was eight years old with Sally Hayes from next door. After that, we had to use tin cans with a connecting wax string, but I still got her going.
Woman: Wow, you must have been very creative.
Man: Yes, I was. So you see, your perceptions of my ability are clouded by some internal issue.

Well, I've got to study for this exam somehow.

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